One year ago – one year and 4 days to be exact – I started It has been a fantastic year for personal growth, life improvements and physical fitness. In some ways I’m sad to see the year end. Here are the main reasons why the last year was so important to me:
I discovered my purpose in life. This happened the Monday morning after I took the RPM training.
I’ve posted about 160 items on While many of them were re-blog items – my opinion or just a link to another authors work – a few of them were original and would not exist in the world had I not sequenced out the key strokes.
I’ve fallen completely in love and moved in with Rachel. Rachel remains empathetic as she calls me on my crap and it is the first time in my life when I have looked upon a girlfriend as a mentor. She is funny as well and that helps us move through the tough times very quickly.
I started teaching RPM. A big one, partly because it’s where I met Rachel, partly because I had been thinking about doing it for so long and partly because it forced me to learn how to ride a bike the correct way. My riding posture has never been better and I feel so much stronger on the bike now than I did a year ago.
I started working for SST as their operations manager. It’s nice to be working with a more motivated population and in an environment that is rich in opportunities to learn, and lift. I had never flipped a tire before September and I have to say that it is a much fun as it sounds! If you don’t think flipping a tire is fun, you’ve never done it.
I kept blogging EVEN after I moved in with Rachel and started my new job. I’m pretty happy about this one because it marks the first time in my life that getting a new girlfriend didn’t mean the death of the identify that I had forged out for myself.
So now I start year 2, grateful to be able to continue with!