Diabetes May Be Even Bigger Threat Than Feared
THURSDAY, March 1 (HealthDay News) — By last year, the number of people with diabetes in Ontario, Canada, had already surpassed the rate predicted for 2030 by the World Health Organization. The news is bad enough for Canada, but augurs even more ill for the world, which can now expect many more people to succumb to this chronic disease than originally anticipated, researchers report.
Great job Canada, we’re 27 years ahead of schedule! This isn’t a good thing, given that in most instances diabetes is a preventable disease.
The relationship between obesity and diabetes is as real as the relationship between obesity and a lack of exercise. People are choosing to engage in a lifestyle that leads to their eventual illness. While I am always going to advocate for more physical activity, people can eliminate a lot of the diabetes risk by changing their eating habits to lower their body fat level.